Northern Region Network

Members of the Northern Region Network include Corrections staff and volunteers, Community Corrections staff, prisoners, artists and writers, community art organisations, academics, and people in the wider community interested in arts and social justice.

Please contact Katie Querin, Arts For All Activator, Arts Access Aotearoa for more information about the network or to get in touch with one of its members (E:

Prisons and Volunteer Co-ordinators


Northland Region Corrections Facility

Contact: Volunteer Co-ordinator Porsha Anderson  
T: 09 401 5800 E:


Auckland Prison

Contact: Volunteer Co-ordinator Lesley Weavers 
09 304 3752 E: 

Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility

Contact: Volunteer Co-ordinator Stephen Jones

T: 09 250 9422 E: 


Spring Hill Corrections Facility

Contact: Volunteer Co-ordinator Kelly Tangaroa
T: 07 826 0325 E: 

Waikeria Prison

Contact: Volunteer Co-ordinator Nadine Allen
T: 07 872 6641 E:  



Neil Wallace: Neil is Arts In Corrections Advisor | Kaiārahi A Toi Ara Poutama, Arts Access Aotearoa (M: 027 263 6711 E: Neil works Monday to Thursday.

About Arts in Corrections













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