Arts Access Aotearoa: our equity statement

At Arts Access Aotearoa, we value people. 
We value people’s time. 
We value people’s lived experience and we understand it as expertise.

We recognise that we don’t all start from the same place. 
Sometimes there can be an imbalance. 
Some people have more power and privileges.
We understand that it can take extra effort for some people to turn up and be involved.

At Arts Access Aotearoa, we come from a place of aroha.
We work in relationship with each other to understand, connect and share.
We want to create a fairer and more just world where everyone is valued for all parts of who they are.

We’d love to kōrero.

You can also read the Equity Statement in:

  • East Read, which you can download from the column on the right.



You can download our Easy Read Equity Statement

Arts Access Aotearoa: Equity Statement  (Word 3463 KB)

Arts Access Aotearoa: Equity Statement (pdf 1161 KB)


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