Privacy policy

Arts Access Aotearoa will comply with the thirteen Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) provided in section 22 of the Privacy Act 2020, as outlined below. 

IPP 1: Purpose of collection of personal information

We will only collect personal information for a lawful purpose connected with our functions or activities when the collection of that personal information is necessary to achieve our functions or activities.

We will not collect information we do not really need.

IPP2: Source of personal information

If we collect personal information, we will source that information from the person concerned, unless one of the exemptions to IPP2 apply.

One example is when the person concerned authorises us to collect the information from another person e.g., a reference check (IPP2(2)(c) refers).

IPP3: Collection of information from subject

If we collect personal information, we will ensure that the person concerned is aware of the purpose for which we are collecting the information, how it will be used, and by whom.

We will notify the person concerned if there are any consequences attached to not providing the personal information and, if relevant, we will advise the person concerned of their right to amend their personal information.

The exception to this is if one of the exemptions to IPP3 applies (IPP3(4) refers).

IPP 4: Manner of collection of personal information

We will collect personal information in a lawful and fair manner and will not intrude to an unreasonable extent upon the personal affairs of the individual concerned.

IPP 5: Storage and security of personal information

We will ensure any personal information we collect will be stored in such a way as to take reasonable precautions against loss; unauthorised access, use, modification, or disclosure; and other misuse.

IPP 6: Access to personal information

If we receive a request from a person about personal information, we might hold about them, we will:

  • Confirm if we have that information.
  • Provide them a copy of the personal information we hold about them.
  • Advise them that they may (under IPP 7) request their personal information to be corrected.

IPP 7: Correction of personal information

A person whose personal information we hold, is entitled to request that we correct the information. If we receive a request to update information, we will follow the procedures outlined in IPP7(3), (4), and (5).

We will, either on request or on our own initiative, take reasonable steps to ensure that, having regard to the purposes for which the information may lawfully be used, the information is accurate, up to date, complete, and not misleading.

IPP 8: Accuracy, etc, of personal information to be checked before use or disclosure

In situations where it is lawful to use or disclose the personal information held (IPPs 10 and 11 refer), we will first take steps to be sure that the personal information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant, and not misleading. 

IPP 9: Agency not to keep personal information for longer than necessary

We will not hold personal information longer than is necessary to carry out the function or activity for which the personal information was collected.

IPP 10: Limits on use of personal information

We will use personal information only for the purposes for which that personal information was collected unless:

  • The person concerned authorises the use of the information for another purpose.
  • Any of the other exemptions to IPP10 apply (IPP10(1)(b) and (d)to(f) refer).

IPP 11: Limits on disclosure of personal information

We will not disclose to any other individual or agency (as defined in section 4 of the Privacy Act) any personal information collected unless:

  • The person concerned authorises the disclosure of the information.
  • One of the exemptions to IPP11 apply (IPP11(1)(a) and (c)to(h) refer).

IPP 12: Disclosure of personal information outside New Zealand

We will not disclose any personal information we hold outside of New Zealand unless it is essential for our functions and activities to do so and one of the exemptions in IPP12(1) apply.

IPP 13: Unique identifiers

We will not assign a unique identifier to a person unless it is essential for our functions and activities to do so, or for statistical or research purposes.

In a situation where the assigning of unique identifiers is critical to our functions or activities, we will follow the restrictions provided in IPP13(3) to (5).



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