And the Fellowships 2023 recipients are ...

Henrietta Bollinger, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, recipient of the Whakahoa Kaitoi Whanaketanga Creative New Zealand Artist Fellowship

Henrietta Bollinger is an established writer, arts practitioner and disabled community advocate. The fellowship will support them to explore a new artform, developing a film script and bringing a story about identity and disability to the screen. Working with producer Robin Murphy and filmmaker mentor Ness Simons, Henrietta will create a production-ready short film script for submission to the New Zealand Film Commission’s Kōpere Hou Fresh Shorts Fund. Their work spans various artforms but the connecting thread is representing authentic and nuanced disabled experience. In 2023, they wrote Articulations, a well-received collection of essays about their experiences of being disabled.

Of the project, the assessment panel commented:

"Henrietta’s application presented a strong project that offers them opportunities to grow and develop in a new writing genre. They have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and how the fellowship will support them in this. With a detailed plan and existing relationships with mentors, community readers and consultants, this project will support Henrietta to continue to grow and deliver as an artist." 

Emily Duncan, Ōtepoti Dunedin, recipient of the Whakahoa Kaitoi Te Puna Toi Arts For All Fellowship

Playwright and dramaturg Emily Duncan will work with Prospect Park Productions NZ on a practice-as-research project called Between the Lines. She will test, develop and document tools and approaches for neurodivergent playwrights to write scripts for theatre and live performances. Emily says the need to write and submit completed scripts for assessment and production can create barriers for neurodiverse playwrights. Using her research and working with up to three neurodivergent playwrights, she will document a range of targeted strategies and examples to remove barriers. She will also research methodologies supporting neurodiverse performing arts practitioners.

Of the project, the assessment panel commented:

“Emily presented a strong application with a well-developed project to address a crucial need in the arts community. Its innovative approach in developing strategies and tools will make significant steps to enhance accessibility and foster new voices. Emily’s project is creatively driven with genuine and authentic community engagement. It will offer immediate benefits and promises a lasting impact in the arts sector.”

Phillipa Mita, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, recipient of the Whakahoa Kaitoi i Te Ara Poutama Arts in Corrections Artist Fellowship

Phillipa is a visual artist and member of the Home Ground Collective. The fellowship will support her to explore painting with whenua (land), using natural materials from Te Tairāwhiti through to Te Whanganui-a-Tara. She will work on reconnecting with whenua while learning the kaupapa about painting with natural materials. Although Te Tairāwhiti is home to Phillipa, she says Te Whanganui-a-Tara is where she feels grounded. Combining the two places was the inspiration for the project, which will involve travelling and gathering materials; documenting the project; and working with mentors to learn new processes. She aims to create three paintings.

Of her project, the assessment panel commented:

“Phillipa put forward a great application that articulated her project well. The exploration of whenua-based materials in her painting practice is an interesting idea and offers opportunities for growth and development in her practice. With the support of a mentor, it will be exciting to see how this will impact her art-making during and after the fellowship.”

The White Room Creative Space, Christchurch, recipient of the Whakahoa Whakawatea Kaitoi Tangata Holdsworth Creative Spaces Fellowship

The White Room will develop Tiny Rooms, a project in partnership with TinyFest dedicated to the White Room’s community of disabled artists. The kaupapa is to bring artists to the centre of Tiny’s curatorial process through conversation, experimentation and art-making. It will involve a series of tiny actions/activations throughout February through to July 2024.  Alongside hui, there will be a series of workshops where artists can develop work for presentation at TinyFest in November 2024. The partners see the project as a “reciprocal incubator” where they can explore and learn new ways of making art together.

Of the project, the assessment panel commented:

"The White Room has put forward an innovative project that connects the creative space with the wider creative community in Ōtautahi. The White Room artists will collaborate with TinyFest’s curatorial team, leading and shaping the work. This project will leave a legacy of work that will continue beyond the fellowship, and offers a project model for other creative space to adopt." 



Thank you to our generous sponsors, who made these Fellowships possible.





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