In 2021, the Sewing Industries area of Northland Region Corrections Facility embarked on a journey of positive change, fostering growth, and nurturing creativity among the tane.

As their instructor in this role, I teach our tane the basics of sewing, using hand needles and machines for simple repairs and producing items for charities from recycled materials.

This can lead to future employment in the industry and has brought about a series of developments, igniting hope and fostering a stronger sense of unity within the group.

At the heart of this transformation lies the discovery of new skills. Their skills develop over time, leading to pattern making and putting together pieces of different types of materials to produce quality products with confidence and flair.

They take a great deal of pride in their charity and art items as they realise how they are able to give back to communities. As the subsequent years have unfolded, the tane in our sewing team have embarked on a path of self-discovery, unearthing hidden talents and abilities they never knew they possessed.

Catalyst for personal and collective growth

This self-exploration has not only boosted their confidence but also served as a catalyst for personal and collective growth.

One aspect of this transformation has been the emphasis on giving back to the community through charitable donations. Tane have embraced the spirit of manaakitanga by extending a helping hand to people in need in the community.

We’re currently planning the creation of an artwork that will embody the aspirations and dreams of our tane, providing a collective expression of their vision for a brighter tomorrow.

This creative journey has had a profound impact on the tane, encouraging rangatiratanga, manaakitanga and wairua. Through their artistic endeavours, they have found a way to connect with their cultural heritage, infusing their creations with the essence of who they are and what they stand for.

The positive changes I have observed paint a vivid picture of growth, unity and creativity within our community. The discovery of new skills, charitable giving, innovative art and a shared vision for the future have strengthened the bonds among our tane, bringing them closer together as a whānau unit.


A journey of creativity and positive change


Our funders

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