Arts For All: making the arts accessible to everyone

The following text is translated into New Zealand Sign Language in the video.

Arts For All is a 92-page book filled with practical information, examples and ideas about how to make the arts more accessible to Deaf people, disabled people, and people with lived experience of mental ill-health.

It’s for arts organisations, touring companies, festivals, venues such as theatres, galleries and museums, and arts marketers – in fact, anyone in the arts and cultural sectors wanting to reach a wider and more diverse section of New Zealand society.

Arts For All was published by Arts Access Aotearoa. It explains the benefits of marketing the arts to people with access needs. It also includes immediate and longer-term steps you can take to provide access.

Arts For All networks

This book is used by members of networks in Otago, Christchurch, Wellington, Taranaki and Auckland. The networks have the same name as the book. They are made up of representatives from the disability sector, arts and cultural organisations, artists, venues and festivals. They meet twice a year and share information, expertise and solutions to particular challenges.

Contact Arts Access Aotearoa on 04 802 4349 or email us if you would like to join an Arts For All network.

Deaf filmmaker Jared FlitcroftOne in four New Zealanders (24% or 1.1 million people) were identified as “disabled” in 2013, according to Statistics New Zealand.

The Arts For All guide tells readers that the 2013 Census shows that 20,000 people use New Zealand Sign Language. It includes examples of how to include and communicate with Deaf people.

There are eight chapters in Arts For All, including chapters on getting started; communications and marketing; galleries and museums; and live performance.

The chapter on digital media has a photo and story about Deaf filmmaker Jared Flitcroft.

New Zealand Sign Language interpreters

On page 28, there is information about using New Zealand Sign Language interpreters to interpret arts events, including museum and gallery exhibition tours.

Captioned theatre performance of MilkMilkLemonade at the Dunedin Fringe Festival 2014Page 30 features information about captioning, which enables Deaf and hearing impaired people to access the audio content as text. In theatre, for example, the prepared text is cued on to a large screen as the action unfolds on the stage.

Arts For All includes links to checklists, information sheets, guidelines and case studies that complement the publication and are available on Arts Access Aotearoa’s website at

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Arts For All

Arts For All accessible

You can also contact Arts Access Aotearoa on 04 802 4349 or email if you don’t have internet access and would like to be sent a copy of Arts For All and the additional resources.



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