Arts and disability

One in six New Zealanders has experience of disability. Increasingly, artists and arts oprganisations are partnering with the disabled community to ensure access to arts activities and events. This section includes information and resources that complement Arts For All | Ng? toi mo te katoa, published by Creative New Zealand in partnership with Arts Access Aotearoa. Aimed at artists, arts organisations and venues, it provides practical and long-term ways to increase access to the arts, market your events to the disabled community and build new audiences. Please send us an if you have stories, profiles or useful resources to add to this section.

In this section


Keep up-to-date with the latest news about arts and disability, accessible arts events and best practice. View News...


We profile artists, arts organisations, accessible venues and people in the disability sector. View Profiles...

Arts For All resources

This page contains checklists, guidelines, information sheets and other useful resources, complementing the publications Arts For All | Ngā� toi mo te katoa. We will be developing new checklists, including a guide to programming diversity. If you have any suggestions for useful resources, please us. View Arts For All resources...


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