Conference 2022 programme overview
Arts Access Aotearoa has worked to ensure this online conference is as accessible as possible. We recognise that access requirements differ from person to person, and that support to attend the conference may take many forms.
All of the sessions have NZSL translation or interpretation, and captions, except for a live session on Day Two at 1.15pm.
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) interpretation and translation
NZSL interpretation and translation is being provided by Connect Interpreting. Most sessions will be live interpreted but several sessions have been pre-recorded. For the pre-recorded sessions, Connect has provided picture-in-picture translation.
They have also provided picture-in-picture translation for the short videos submitted by creative spaces for inclusion in the conference. The videos are also captioned.
Open captions
The conference platform is provided through Vimeo and only allows for open captions. These are always in view, and cannot be turned on and off.
Captions for all live sessions will be through the conference platform and will be generated by Artificial Intelligence. That means we cannot guarantee their accuracy.
Pre-recorded videos will have captions that have been added by conference sponsors at Deafradio.
Audio description
We have asked all conference speakers to give a brief self-description. Conference presenters have been discouraged from using visual aids. However, if they do choose to use visual aids in their presentations they have been encouraged to audio describe them.
Additional accessibility notes are provided at the end of this programme and also available as a separate webpage. If you have any questions or feedback about conference accessibility provisions, please email Ruth Harvey, Project Manager, Creative Spaces Professional Development Programme, Arts Access Aotearoa.
Tuesday 1 November 2022
* Exact times subject to change
9am: Mihi whakatau and conference welcome
Arts Access Aotearoa kaumātua The Venerable Wiremu (Bill) Kaua ONZM, JP; Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage; Arts Access Aotearoa Executive Director Richard Benge; and MC James Nokise.
9.25am: Keynote presentation
Justice Joseph Williams – Igniting possibilities: art as a liberating force
Justice Williams’ keynote explores art’s critical role in leading Aotearoa on its journey towards multiculturalism and liberation, towards a place that allows us to remember who we are and dream about who we could be.
10.05am: Creative space video highlight
10.10am: Morning tea
10.40am: Creative space video highlight
10.45am: Panel discussion: Te Hīhiri – the spark for change
Do you find yourself saying “We need to have Māori represented.” “We want to do more, we just don’t know HOW!” What does working in relationship WITH Māori ACTUALLY look like in practice? The panellists will share their perspective of getting comfortable in the uncomfortable, of honouring the journey and pushing through internal barriers, and having honest conversations that matter when it comes time to report on the stats.
Facilitated by Huia O’Sullivan, Ngā Rangatahi Toa (Auckland). Panellists: Kylie Sealy, Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi (Auckland); Tama Jarman, The Court Theatre/White Face Crew (Auckland); and Eynon Delamere, Tauti Consulting (Auckland).
11.45am: Creative space video highlight
11.50am: Panel discussion: Living your values
Three leaders from creative spaces across the country explore how their values and their members guide the direction of their organisations, and illuminate the approaches each of their organisations have taken to building their creative communities.
Facilitated by Kate Hiatt, Arts Access Aotearoa. Panellists: Jacqui Moyes, Home Ground (Wellington); Sarah Yuile, Te Ara Korowai (Raumati Beach); Michelle Dawson, C.S. Arts Te Whare Toi (Invercargill).
12.50pm: Creative space video highlight
12.55pm: Lunch
1.40pm: Creative space video highlight
1.45pm: Keynote presentation
Anjel Newmann: Practices for cultivating leadership
Anjel reflects on her leadership journey through AS220, a creative space in Providence, USA, and outlines a number of key practices she believes are essential for cultivating growth and leadership in others.
2.20pm: Dance activation
Get active with Sumara Fraser from WIDance (Wellington).
2.25pm: Access employment: Creating career pathways
Three creative spaces share their journeys to create paid employment pathways for their communities. The what, why and how will be covered, with a focus on participant artist voices and career pathway journeys.
Panellists: Sally Barnett and Joeli Thacker from Hobson Street Theatre Company (Auckland); Michael Krammer, Josie Noble and Lyn Cotton from Jolt (Christchurch); and Mandy Patmore from Kākano Youth Arts Collective (Auckland).
3.25pm: Day One closing message
3.30pm: Day One ends
Wednesday 2 November 2022
* Exact times subject to change
9am: MC welcome: James Nokise
9.10am: Plenary session
Megan Thorn: Creating a Sustainable Funding Plan - Working Towards a Stable Table
Are you sick of scrambling from one funding round to the next, or wondering what will happen when a contract term ends? Would you like your creative space to have more reliable income, but you’re unsure where to start? The session is packed with practical ideas and tips for developing opportunities for raising funds. It will include breakout groups.
Accessibility: If you require NZSL interpretation to enter a breakout room, please contact ruth.harvey@artsaccess.org.nz.
10.35am: Dance activation
Get active with tutors from Jolt!
10.40am: Morning tea
11.10am: Creative space video highlight
11.15am: Keynote presentation
Erin Gough & Caroline Bowditch: In Conversation – Understanding Disability and Ableism
In this ‘in conversation’ style session, Erin and Caroline aim to support non-disabled people to understand how ableist societal systems and attitudes impact disabled people, and examine non-disabled people’s role in challenging ableism and supporting disabled people as allies.
Erin Gough is a Wellington-based disability activist, and Caroline Bowditch is the Chief Executive Officer/Artistic Director of Arts Access Victoria, Australia.
12.25pm: Creative space video highlight
12.30pm: Lunch
1.15pm: Concurrent sessions
Igniting Practice: Insights from creative spaces
Stream 1:
Moewai Marsh, Artsenta, Dunedin: Filling your well
As art workers, we give our ideas and skills to others to facilitate their art, creativity and wellbeing. This session will reflect on the impact of this work: on ourselves and our ability to sustain creative energy to share with others.
Andrew Mitchell, Vincents Art Workshop, Wellington: The Story of Vincents Online
During New Zealand’s COVID-19 lockdowns, art tutors at creative spaces were presented with the problem of how to connect with their artists. Andrew will share the story of how this work happened at Vincents, and how to make a successful art tutorial video.
Nicola Pauling, Voice Arts: Playfully creating
Learn how to facilitate a selection of unique exercises that can be used in your creative space for multiple purposes: to build deeper connections, for brain health and cognitive stimulation, to bring joy and laughter, to activate imagination.
Charlotte Nightingale and Michael Eaglesome, Glass Ceiling Arts Collective, Wellington: The Badger Story: a digital multi-sensory art experience
Using Glass Ceiling Arts Collective’s multi-sensory digital 'theatre in the home' work “The Badger Story”, learn how multi-sensory devices can be used as a tool for engagement for audiences and participants with PMLD (profound and multiple learning disabilities). Note: this session requires you to come prepared with a range of props – refer to the prop list in the ACE Event App.
Accessibility: This session will not be recorded and will not have NZSL interpretation. It is hosted in one of the conference app’s video rooms. It has a maximum of 13 attendees, including the presenters.
2.00pm: Break (transition between sessions)
2.10pm: Concurrent sessions
Igniting Practice: Insights from creative spaces
Stream 2:
Thomas Hinz and Kahurangi Marino Aroha Bronsson-George, Circability, Auckland: Kanohi Kitea: Māoritanga and circus arts
This session looks back at the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the ways Māoritanga and circus arts are coming together at Circability. Thomas and Kahurangi share their challenges and highlights, and what’s waiting next on their journey.
Moana Harrison, Artists in the Making, Whitianga: Tukutuku: a presentation by Moana Harrison
Moana Harrison will talk about the symbolism and colours behind tukutuku (woven panels that adorn the wharenui/meeting house). Moana will talk about the 12 universal patterns, their meaning within Te Ao Māori, and how they convey a complex language of visual symbols.
Bronwyn Bent, Hobson Street Theatre Company/Flock, Auckland: We All Have Skills
In this session, Bronwyn explores the Hobson Street Theatre Company’s approach to creating performance workshops: a relationship-based approach in which trust and uplifting each other underpins everything.
2.55pm: Afternoon tea
3.10pm: Creative space video highlight
3.15pm: Summary from MC James Nokise
3.20pm: Call to action
Arts Access Aotearoa Executive Director Richard Benge
3.30pm: Whakakapi (closing)
3.35pm: Conference ends
Accessibility notes
Arts Access Aotearoa’s Ngā Wāhi Auaha Creative Spaces Conference 2022 is a free, fully virtual event. This means the conference can be accessed from the comfort of your own workplace or home. The decision to go virtual helps remove barriers to participation such as travel and accommodation costs, and reduces the chances of major COVID-19 disruptions.
You MUST register for Conference 2022 to gain access to the conference content. Visit this site to register.
ACE Event App
The conference will be accessed through the ACE Event App. It can be downloaded onto your phone and/or you can open it using the latest version of Google Chrome or Firefox web browsers. You can download Google Chrome or download Firefox.
Our conference event managers, Auaha, will send instructions to conference registrants about how to access the ACE Event App.
If you need assistance accessing the app, please email creativespaces@auaha.co.nz or phone Kara from Auaha (our event management company) on 04 910 5473. If you need assistance once you’re in the app, you can click the “Live Support” icon and leave a message.
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) interpretation and translation
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) interpretation and translation is being provided by Connect Interpreting. Most sessions will be live interpreted but several sessions have been pre-recorded. For those sessions, Connect has provided picture-in-picture translation. They have also provided picture-in-picture translation for the short videos submitted by creative spaces for inclusion in the conference.
The conference platform is provided through Vimeo, and only allows for open captions (OC), which are always in view and cannot be removed. Conference attendees do not have the ability to turn captions on and off themselves.
Captions for all live sessions will be through the conference platform and will be generated by Artificial Intelligence. As such, we can’t guarantee their accuracy. Vimeo is an American company and is unable to caption te reo Māori accurately.
Pre-recorded videos will have captions that have been added by conference sponsors at Deafradio. To the best of their ability, they will ensure words in te reo Māori are accurately translated and that the captions are correct.
Audio description
We have requested that all conference speakers give a very brief self-description, which provides information about the individual that sighted people take in visually. Please note that some speakers may choose not to give a self-description.
Conference presenters have been discouraged from using visual aids. However, if they do choose to use visual aids in their presentations they have been encouraged to audio describe them.
Contact us
We recognise that access requirements differ from person to person, and that support to attend the conference may take many forms.
If you have any questions or feedback about conference accessibility provisions, please email Ruth Harvey, Project Manager, Creative Spaces Professional Development Programme for Arts Access Aotearoa.
Creative spaces team
KATE HIATT, Creative Spaces Advisor | Kaiārahi a Toi Whakawātea Tangata
E: kate.hiatt@artsaccess.org.nz
T: 04 802 4349
HANNAH DAHLKE, Creative Spaces Funding Advisor | Kaiārahi Kohi Moni
E: fundingsupport@artsaccess.org.nz
T: 027 216 5816
NEIL WALLACE, Creative Spaces Funding Advisor | Kaiārahi Kohi Moni
E: fundingsupport@artsaccess.org.nz
Conference 2022
Professional development
Creative spaces directory