Make a lasting difference, leave a gift in your will

Creative artistic expression is central to our human need for identity and connection to others.

Your bequest will help us ensure artists and arts organisations in professional and community arts sectors, people with learning disabilities, physical or sensory impairments and people with lived experience of mental illness can continue to experience and have access to art and creativity for generations to come.

With your help, all people in New Zealand, now and in the future can be included in the arts as artists or audience members.

Information on leaving a gift in your Will

If you already have a will

If you would like to include a bequest in your existing will, you can make a simple modification by adding a codicil (a supplement that is intended to alter or modify a will). To make sure that your codicil is legal, we recommend it is done through your legal advisor

If you do not yet have a will

Every adult should have a valid and current will. It shows you care about those you love and can give you peace of mind, knowing that your wishes for family, friends and the community organisations important to you have been identified and will be addressed after your death.
Your will is a legal document and we strongly recommend that you have it prepared by a lawyer so that it is worded and signed correctly and is legally binding. This ensures that your estate can be distributed in accordance with your wishes.

Sample wording for a bequest

Some wording to help may be:

"I give and bequeath the sum of $xx (or) xx% of my estate (or) xx, the residue of my estate (or) xx% (description of property or assets) free of all charges to Arts Access Aotearoa Whakahauhau Katoa o Hanga Charitable Trust, to be used where most needed, and the official receipt from Arts Access Aotearoa will be sufficient acknowledgement of having received this gift."

Why we would like to know if you make a bequest

There is no legal requirement to inform a beneficiary that you are leaving them something in your will. We would, however, like to know if you intend to leave a gift in your will to Arts Access Aotearoa, as this will allow us to thank you for your gift and acknowledge you in your life time. We will always respect your privacy and recognise that your will is personal to you.

If you would like more information or to support a specific project – for a confidential conversation contact Richard Benge, Executive Director

(T: 04 802 4349 or 021 217 1002 E:

Thank you for considering Arts Access Aotearoa in your will.


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