Creative spaces directory

Creative spaces are community-based arts organisations and groups where people, often with limited access, can go to make art, participate in theatre, dance, music, film and creative writing. This national directory is listed alphabetically. There are also regional directories, where you can also find creative spaces in your region.
Please email us to update your entry, include your creative space in this directory, or make enquiries about the Creative Spaces Network.


Address: 116 Shortland Street, Aranui, Christchurch
A place for creative connection … Art-East was set up to provide a safe place of support for people who have or are struggling with a range of issues, including alcohol or drug, mental health, social stigma and physical disabilities. Arts-based activities are run within group settings and one-to-one programmes. It connects members with established artists and has regular outings in the Christchurch art community. Visit facebook and website
Contact: Lis Rate-Smith, Art-East Co-ordinator | 027 436 9922 |

Art for All Trust

Address: Sommerville Special School, 80A Tripoli Road, Panmure, Auckland
Art for All provides art tuition, quality materials, exhibition opportunities and social connection for artists with intellectual disabilities and/or mental health issues. Artists are enabled to feel valued, included, and productive members of society through learning art processes, creating artworks, exhibiting work, and generating income through the sale of their work.
Contact: Lynda Scott | 021 993358 |

Art for Life Trust

Address: 275 Fifield Terrace, Opawa, Christchurch
Since 2014, Art for Life Trust has provided drawing and painting tuition to adults living with intellectual or neurological disability and/or neurodiversity. Morning and afternoon sessions are offered four days a week at their central Christchurch studio. The focus is on developing skills and confidence, expressing ideas and feelings through art, and social connection. The Art for Life annual exhibition held in November is a highlight, where all artists are invited to sell their work in the community. Visit their website | Facebook
Contact: Tracy Hay || 027 5707 050

Art4Me - WestREAP

Address: WestREAP, Reap House 72 Tudor Street, Hokitika 7810
Art4Me is an open access community arts programme for adults, running weekly in Hokitika and Greymouth during term time. Participants work in the medium of their choice and enjoy the social benefits of working together in a welcoming, safe and supportive environment. The programme also supports a wide range of community activities, including regular opportunities to exhibit locally, supporting further learning opportunities and partnerships with other groups and events. For more information
Contact: Cheryl Smeaton or Kate Buckley | 0800 927 327 |   

Artists in the Making

Address: 4 Arthur Street, Whitianga, Coromandel
Artists in the Making is a support service for people with disabilities and is run by the Coromandel Independent Living Trust. Participants meet two days a week to do art activities, including mosaics, china painting and crafts.
Contact: Janey Abercrombie, Co-ordinator | 07 866 0032 | 


Address: 462 Princes Street, Dunedin
Artsenta is a shared art studio for tangata whaiora - people seeking wellbeing. Our kaupapa is wellbeing through creativity and community. We present a wide variety of creative opportunities including arts and crafts, music and creative writing. No artistic experience is required and the focus is on the creative process rather than the end result. We run regular beginner sessions, group activities plus events and exhibitions. Materials and equipment are provided and our talented staff have a range of skills to share. Our creative space is accessible and non-clinical. No referral is required however attendees must be receiving support for a mental health or addiction issue. Give us a call to find our more, or if you’re in Ōtepoti, come and have a look around.  Visit the Artsenta website to find out more.

Contact: Paul Smith, Director | 03 477 9566 |

Waitaki Creative Wellbeing

Various sites
The Artsenta outreach team provides creative wellbeing sessions in a number of towns in North Otago. These sessions are an opportunity for anyone 18 years and over experiencing mental distress or wellbeing challenges to be creative in a safe and supportive environment. All sessions are free to attend but places may be limited. Find out more on our Facebook page.
Kurow – weekly on Mondays, 12:30-3pm; Palmerston – weekly on Tuesdays, 12:30-3pm; Oamaru – weekly on Wednesdays, 9:30am-12 noon and 1pm-3:30pm.
Contact: Toni 021 184 8470 or 

Central Otago Creative Wellbeing

Various sites
The Artsenta outreach team provides creative wellbeing sessions in a number of towns in Central Otago. These sessions are an opportunity for anyone 18 years and over experiencing mental distress or wellbeing challenges to be creative in a safe and supportive environment. All sessions are free to attend but places may be limited. Find out more on our Facebook page.
Wanaka – weekly on Tuesdays, 2pm-4:30pm; Cromwell – weekly on Wednesdays, 9:30am-12 noon; Alexandra – weekly on Thursdays, 12:30pm-3pm.
Contact: Janie 021 027 81078 or

Arts For Health

Address: Norris / Ward Park Arts Centre, 2 Seddon Rd, Hamilton

Welcome to Arts for Health, a community creative space dedicated to wellbeing through art. Our open studio welcomes adults of all interests, providing a space for self-directed artmaking, meeting new people, and enjoying some personal time. Whether you're eager to learn new skills in our workshops or explore art therapy programmes for both adults and children, we have something for you. Arts for Health is inclusive to all abilities and skill levels. Come join us and experience the healing power of art. We look forward to seeing you soon. Visit Arts For Health website.
Contact: Cass Hendry | 07 838 2271 |

Arts Integrated

Address: Various venues around Canterbury and Selwyn
Arts Integrated has been operating in the Christchurch community since 2016 with the vision of providing for the education support, guidance, training and encouragement of disabled people to experience and develop their performing arts talents and abilities within New Zealand. We deliver this each year by offering four, eight-week terms of courses to young people under the expert guidance of qualified tutors in dance, music, performing arts, visual arts, theatre and, in 2024, digital design.
Contact: Adam Hayward, General Manager| 021 230 9029 | 

Breathing Space

Address: various locations around Auckland
Breathing Space is a group of creative practitioners who make projects in all kinds of places, using the arts to grow communities. Lots of its work is about partnerships with youth to make changes they want to see in their world. It also does research and development work designed to build its collective expertise and impact, and grow the potential of the arts in its communities. Visit the Breathing Space website
Contact: Asha Munn, Director |

Cantabrainers Choir

Address: Christchurch
Cantabrainers Choir is a choir for people with neurological conditions to improve their voice and communication, health and well-being through singing and socialising. It’s led by a registered music therapist and a registered speech-language therapist. All welcome. See the choir’s Facebook page and website
Contact: Coordinator: 

Circability Trust

Address: Circability Central, 203-271 Victoria Street West, Victoria Park, Auckland 1010
Circability celebrates difference by providing social circus programmes for all ages and abilities. It's based in the historic former Campbell Free Kindergarten in Victoria Park in the heart of Auckland City. Director Thomas Hinz has more than 30 years of experience delivering social circus in both Germany and New Zealand. Its inclusive team delivers programmes throughout Auckland and Northland, including workshops, performances and events. Visit the Circability website.
Contact: Thomas Hinz |

Community Art Works

Address: 81 Achilles Ave, Nelson
Community Art Works caters for approximately 150 people with mixed abilities every week and sessions run throughout the year. It is staffed by several professional artists, who are experienced teachers and have a passion to share their skills with people. Nelson Firespinners club operates out of its premises on a Thursday night. Read more about Community Art Works. Visit its Facebook page.
Contact: Faye Wulff, Co-ordinator | 03 545 9976 |

Connect the Dots

Address: various locations around Auckland
Connect the Dots is a registered charitable trust, engaging older people and people living with dementia in creativity through its visual arts programme, Make Moments. This is an Auckland-based programme that works to connect and engage people with the rich and diverse art and cultural opportunities in Auckland. Connect the Dots’ trained and passionate art educators deliver facilitated art tours and art-making workshops at local arts venues. Visit Connect the Dots website 
Contact: Andrea Gaskin | 021 990 370 |

Creative Inclusion

Address: 41 Princes Street, Hawera 4610

Creative Inclusion offers regular creative workshops and classes for adults with disabilities and specific learning needs, at South Taranaki Creative Space in Hawera. The Monday programme includes collage, painting, 3D, printmaking and screen printing. Visit the South Taranaki Creative Space Facebook page 

Contact: Sue Baker |

Creative Journeys Ltd

Address: 47 The Square Edge Building Courtyard, Palmerston North 4410
Creative Journeys provides art-based day programmes for community members often excluded from conventional day-time activity. People seeking its services include people with intellectual disability; people with lived experience of mental illness; and those facing difficult personal change. Its mission is “Connecting to make magic happen”. Visit its Facebook page.
Contact: Rochelle Swensson or Sheryl Cruden | 06 355 5947 |

Creative Kids Trust

Address: C/ 2 Alfred Street, Mayfield, Blenheim

Creative Kids Trust provides pathways for children and the wider community with a range of needs to develop and grow through participation in the creative arts. We work to enrich our hapori, strengthening connection and community engagement. We do this through individual and group Therapeutic Art Wellness Programmes, Creative Workshops and Creative Voice.  Visit the Creative Kids Trust website

Contact: Aimée Preston - Trust Coordinator | 021 246 5443 |

Creative Sounds Society (The Stomach)

Address: 84 Lombard St Palmerston North 4410

For 36 years, The Stomach has been a hub for musicians in Te Papaioea, offering affordable professional music services. Focused on original music creation, we support artists nationwide, providing rehearsal spaces, a drug and alcohol-free, all-ages venue, and a recording studio with a dedicated engineer. Our services cater to musicians of all levels and identities, fostering creativity and connection. With a robust backline for hire, we enrich our local community by nurturing talent and providing a platform for musical expression. Join us as we continue to be a social service, a creative nest, and a connecting space. Visit the website.
Contact: Abi Symes | 06 359 0120 |


Address: 8-14 Henderson Valley Rd, Henderson, Auckland 

Crescendo works alongside young people between the ages of 15 to 24 years old, providing an environment where young people can express themselves creatively and are supported to overcome barriers to success. It delivers mentoring programmes in the arts where young people get to engage directly and connect with people working in the creative industries. Visit the Crescendo website
Contact: 021 076 1182 |

C.S. Art Whare Toi

Address: 100 Esk Street, Invercargill

Celebrating 20 years of operation in June 2024, C.S. Art Whare Toi is an arts studio for people with limited access to the arts through disability or mental health. Its philosophy is one of inclusion, acceptance and belonging, welcoming more than 40 artists each week to one of six community classes. When funding allows, outside kaiako are sourced to lead music, stone carving and art wānanga. C.S. Art Whare Toi exhibits annually in Murihiku gallery spaces and cafes and was the inaugural recipient of the Big ‘A’ Award, presented by Arts Access Aotearoa. Speaking about the studio, one artist said: " It's a safe place. I don't have to put up my shield. I come and learn and develop my art abilities. It's a place where I can come and learn at my own pace. I can be my true self. I can come in that door and go 'whew, I'm home'." Visit its Facebook page.

Contact: Michelle Tahuaroa Dawson, co-founder and tutor | 027 465 7337 |

Cultural Conversations

Address: Shop 12, Morrison Square, Nelson 7010
Cultural Conversations is a community-based arts hub that facilitates opportunities for people from Nelson’s former refugee and migrant communities to run programmes, workshops, and events. The primary outcome of these sessions is to enhance knowledge, awareness, and appreciation for the cultural diversity that makes up the Nelson region as well as wider Aotearoa New Zealand. Visit Cultural Conversations website | Facebook | Instagram
Contact: Tanya Nock |

ExplorArtz, Whanganui Creative Space

Address: 61 Dublin Street, Whanganui 
ExplorArtz, Whanganui Creative Space, an Art Studio with a difference. Here you can express yourself through art alongside people who are differently abled and who are valued for their unique contribution to art and to the society of artists. Meet friends here, make friends here, learn new skills and sell your art through the Studio. There is no joining fee and no cost for tuition or materials. Currently (Feb 2024) open 3 days a week, Mon, Tue, Wed 10am until 2pm at 61 Dublin Street, Whanganui. Visit its Facebook page

Fareham Creative Space

Address: 80 Underhill Road, Paetumokai, Featherston
Fareham Creative Space promotes wellbeing and whakawhanangatanga through creativity and community by providing access to artmaking, creative expression, visual art, wearable art and dance. The programme holds open studio days, workshops, events and is responsive to both the participants as well as the needs of the wider community.
Contact: Claire Bleakley |

Flock NZ

Address: various venues across Auckland
Flock Charitable Trust (Flock) was created in Auckland in 2017 with the goal of curating and managing arts programmes with social impact. They are particularly enthusiastic about working with some of our most vulnerable community members to create collaborative performance projects that are guided by the group members’ unique backgrounds, skills and experiences. Flock works from a strength-based kaupapa; the focus is on what people can do, rather than the opposite, and they believe that everyone in the room has skills and ability to share with each other. A genuine commitment to upholding people’s own stories is central. To learn more or connect with us, please visit our social pages Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn or the 
Flock website.

Contact: The Flock Team |


Glass Ceiling Arts Collective

Address: various venues across Auckland
Glass Ceiling Arts Collective is a group of creative people that make art that breaks the glass ceiling, creating access to meaningful arts experiences for all people. Their mission is to create equal access to the arts for all; especially for those from marginalised communities enabling everyone to participate in the arts at both a community and professional level. They offer programmes in inclusive musical theatre, hip hop and exploring multi-sensory theatre. Visit their website and their Facebook page for more details.
Contact: Mike Eaglesome |

Home Ground

Address: PO Box 14132, Kilbirnie, Wellington 6241
Home Ground is a multi-disciplinary community arts initiative based in the Wellington region, working with women who have experience of the justice system (Prison and community-based sentences). They provide access to high-quality artists and arts practice, improve creative delivery in challenging spaces and normalise participation in arts activities in public, and at home. Visit the website
Contact Jacqui Moyes |

Inclusive Performance Academy

Address: Halswell Community Hall, 450 Halswell Rd, Christchurch

The Inclusive Performance Academy is a creative space that promotes connection, creativity, collaboration, confidence and friendship. Its weekly classes (Tuesdays and Thursdays) explore a variety of performance arts for young disabled people. Its focus is on devising, developing and delivering shows to audiences, including regular live theatrical shows, public performances at events and filmed projects for sharing online. It also runs a Screen Stuff class for anyone interested in making stuff for the screen. Anyone into music, dance and drama is welcome.
Contact: Fiona McKenzie | 021 314 303 |

Interacting Theatre 

Address: various locations around Auckland
Interacting runs weekly community classes in drama, film making and hip hop at four venues in Auckland throughout term time. It is responsible for the foremost disability arts festival InterACT which is held every October at Corbans Estate Arts Centre in Henderson. Groups devise and release original pieces that are performed each year at the InterACT festival. 
Interacting also formed the Acting 2 Act (A2A) Advocacy group. They visit schools, groups, organisations across Auckland to teach the community their rights. Visit the Interacting website
Contact: Sabrina Ou | 021 188 9460 |


Address: 7 Aynsley Terrace, Hillsborough, Christchurch 8022

Jolt's vision is to celebrate difference and challenge perspectives about dance and disability. Established in 2001, Jolt’s range of classes offer opportunities for creative expression, social engagement, performance and artistic leadership. Jolt has initiated a ground-breaking tutor training programme called Move that has enabled people with intellectual disabilities to develop their leadership skills, and to gain paid employment as dance teachers throughout the motu. Visit the Jolt website
Contact: Lyn Cotton | 021 152 8600 |

Kākano Youth Arts Collective

Address: Corbans Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mt Lebanon Lane, Henderson, Auckland 0612
Led by Mandy Patmore, Kākano Youth Arts Collective is a group of artistically talented West Auckland youth. Established in 2013, Kākano consists of young people typically between the ages of 12 to 20 years old, who have an opportunity to develop a varied set of visual arts skills in a safe and supportive environment. Visit the Kākano Youth Arts Collective website
Contact: Mandy Padmore

Kāpiti/Ōtaki Art Studio 

Address: 6 Tongariro Street, Paraparaumu and 40 Miro Street, Ōtaki
Ōtaki Memorial Hall, Main Street, Ōtaki

Kāpiti/Ōtaki Art Studio is an accessible, inclusive, creative space where people who face participation barriers to the arts can express themselves creatively and connect with others in the wider community. Our mission is to nurture the creativity that comes from within and to foster a more inclusive society. 

 Visit its Instagram and Facebook pages

Contact: Rebecca Bond, Co-ordinator | 022 355 2656 | 

King Street Artworks

Address: 16 Queen Street, Masterton, Wairarapa
King Street Artworks promotes wellbeing in the community through creative expression and aims to reduce the stigma attached to disabilities. It has an open-door policy and our participants create bone carvings, paintings, textiles, illustrations and more. Visit the King Street website.
Contact: Ian Chapman, Co-ordinator | 06 378 9777 |

Linwood Community Arts Centre

Address: 388 Worcester St, Linwood, Christchurch
The Linwood Community Arts Centre, a project of Te Whare Roimata Trust, provides a varied, affordable, arts-related programme to people from the least advantaged eastern inner-city neighbourhoods of Christchurch, enabling access to art-making and the creative arts. The building of community via inclusion, connectedness, individual- and community wellbeing lies at the heart of their work. Follow them on Facebook and visit its website. 
Contact: Dr Liz Boldt -

Magenta Creative Space Charitable Trust

Address: 320 Hardy Street, back of St John Church Hall, Nelson 7010
Magenta Creative Space is an art studio for people with experience of mental ill-health. A charitable trust established in 2002, Magenta is not an art therapy institution but the artists who attend find it therapeutic. It is a place where they can relax, meet new people, and be challenged and extended by learning new art-making techniques and skills. Open Monday to Friday. Visit their Facebook page and website

Contact: Kay Van Dyk | 021 100 5899 | 03 545 8498 |

Many Hats Theatre Co.

Address: 344 Manchester St, Christchurch
Many Hats was established in 2013 and its mission is to provide access for people with disabilities and high needs to have opportunities for creative expression through the creation and presentation of drama performances.  It has its own YouTube channel with material that is created, written, and performed by the Many Hats actors. Many Hats YouTube
Contact: Casssie White -

Māpura Studios

Address: Fowlds Park, Rocky Nook Avenue, St Lukes, Auckland 1022
Māpura Studios provides person-centred visual art and art therapy programmes for adults, teenagers and children of all abilities, with special provisions for those living with disability and diversity. Its programmes are a synthesis of fine arts practice and self-development in an inclusive, supportive creative space. It maintains an extensive exhibition calendar at high-profile community galleries and events to showcase its artists’ work. Visit the Māpura Studios website.
Contact: Diana McPherson, Director | 09 845 5361 | 


Address: 212 Knights Road, Hutt City and Uniting Parish Church, 2 Benzie Ave, Upper Hutt
This creative space offers workshops in a variety of media, studio areas for ceramics, bone and wood carving, and painting and drawing. Exhibition opportunities include an in-house gallery. The Hutt City space is open Monday to Friday for people who use mental health services. The Upper Hutt is open for art sessions on Tuesday and the wider wellbeing programme is open through most of the week. Visit the MIX website.
Contact:  Rachel Silver, Creative Space Coordinator | | (04) 569-3175, option 4 (Art Room)

NGĀ ART - Te Whare Toi o Ngaaruawaahia

Address: 18 Herschel Street, Ngaruawahia

NGĀ ART serves as a vibrant community hub catering to Ngaruawahia and the surrounding communities. Our kaupapa revolves around offering diverse creative programs, projects, and events, providing avenues for active participation in social and community activities. We host a range of initiatives, including art for health classes, mahi toi classes, both evening and day classes, engaging school holiday programs, and enriching masterclasses. Beyond our physical space, we extend our impact by collaborating on projects within schools and the community. Our commitment extends to organising events that celebrate local and cultural traditions. Moreover, we prioritise creative projects that not only enhance but also narrate the unique stories of our community. NGĀ ART is dedicated to fostering a dynamic and inclusive environment where creativity thrives, and individuals can connect with one another through shared experiences in the world of art and culture.

Contact: Laura Millward, Manager | 021 996512 | manager@ngā |  Ngā Arts

Ngā Rangatahi Toa Creative Arts Initiative Trust

Address: 1 Ponsonby Road Grey Lynn
Established in 2012, Ngā Rangatahi Toa offers creative youth development programs through workshops and wānanga learning, specifically tailored for rangatahi Māori aged 13 to 18 years. We provide scaffolded, high-calibre creative programs with some of Aotearoa's finest creatives and youth practitioners, enabling rangatahi to navigate life and wellbeing during crucial developmental stages.
Our flagship devised theatre program, Manawa Ora, exemplifies the collaboration between New Zealand's most talented makers of toi Māori, dance, theatre, and visual arts, working alongside a group of young individuals. The outcome is a stage production that stands apart from any other. Visit the website.
Contact: Huia O'Sullivan, Executive Director | 021 169 6973 |

Ōtautahi Creative Spaces Trust

Address: Kowhai and Harakeke Studios (Rooms 8 and 9), Phillipstown Community Hub, 39 Nursery Road, Phillipstown, Christchurch

This is a creative community empowering people with mental distress to live their lives as artists and writers. We do this through studio groups, artist mentoring, art adventures in the community, exhibitions and workshops with guest artists. Committed to equitable access, our communities of focus are Māori, Pacific, Rainbow and Muslim communities. We have an online shop and 3D gallery. Visit our Facebook page, Instagram and website. 

Contact: Kim Morton, Director | 022 064 7963 | 

Ōwairaka Community Club

Address: 831 New North Road, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025
The Ōwairaka Community Club (Mt Albert Community Club) is a day service for adults who have lived experience of mental health issues/tangata whai i te ora in the Auckland DHB area. It provides a range of creative and social opportunities,  including annual exhibitions at community galleries. Skilled tutors facilitate the development of members’ creative ideas in a mixture of guided activities and self-directed practice. Visit its website.

Contact: Karen Mann, Manager | 027 591 6978 |

Pablos Art Studios Inc

Address: 45 Vivian St, Wellington

Pablos Art Studio uses art and creative exploration to encourage people with experience of mental health to transform their lives and re-engage in the wider community. Artists can access quality art opportunities in an environment that acknowledges career, personal and social needs, and encourages connections and a sense of value in the wider community. Visit the Pablos website.
Contact: Anastasija Bubanja, Manager | 04 382 8885 | 

Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre

Address: 5 Carlton Gore Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023
RMTC offers centre and community-based music therapy services in Auckland, the Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay and Northland. Music therapy is the planned use of music to assist in the healing and growth of people with emotional, intellectual, physical or social challenges. Music therapy at Raukatauri is delivered by our Registered Music Therapists via a clinical practice rooted in the humanistic model of music therapy which recognizes each individual’s uniqueness and worth. Offered in individual, pair or group formats. Visit the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre website.
Contact: Rachel Farrell, General Manager | 09 360 0889 | 

Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre Bay of Plenty

Address: 15 Gravatt Road, Pāpāmoa Beach & 21 Pyne Street, Whakatāne
RMTC offers centre and community-based music therapy services in Auckland, the Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay and Northland.
Music therapy is the planned use of music to assist in the healing and growth of people with emotional, intellectual, physical or social challenges. Music therapy at Raukatauri is delivered by our Registered Music Therapists via a clinical practice rooted in the humanistic model of music therapy which recognizes each individual’s uniqueness and worth. Offered in individual, pair or group formats. Visit the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre website.
Rachel Farrell, General Manager | 09 3600889 |

Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre Hawkes Bay

Address: 304 Fitzroy Avenue, Hastings, 4112
RMTC offers centre and community-based music therapy services in Auckland, the Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay and Northland.
Music therapy is the planned use of music to assist in the healing and growth of people with emotional, intellectual, physical or social challenges. Music therapy at Raukatauri is delivered by our Registered Music Therapists via a clinical practice rooted in the humanistic model of music therapy which recognizes each individual’s uniqueness and worth. Offered in individual, pair or group formats.Visit the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre website.
Contact: Ella Polczyk-Przybyla, Hawke's Bay Regional manager | 0272021876 |

Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre Whangarei

Address: 70 Maunu Road, The Avenues, Whangārei
RMTC offers centre and community-based music therapy services in Auckland, the Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay and Northland. Music therapy is the planned use of music to assist in the healing and growth of people with emotional, intellectual, physical or social challenges. Music therapy at Raukatauri is delivered by our Registered Music Therapists via a clinical practice rooted in the humanistic model of music therapy which recognizes each individual’s uniqueness and worth. Offered in individual, pair or group formats. Visit the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre website.
Contact: Emily Wills, Northland’s Regional Centre Manager | 0272 805 222 |

Sandz Studio and Gallery

Address: 6 Kent Street, Frankton Village, Hamilton 3216
This studio and gallery supports artists with intellectual disabilities to become independent artists, and promotes their work as an integral part of contemporary art.
Contact: Maree Glass | 07 847 4344 | | Instagram

Sing Up Rodney

Address: Warkworth and Ōrewa, Auckland
Sing Up Rodney is singing and community music therapy group for older people and those living with a neurological condition. Partners/carers and volunteer inquiries also welcome. This group meets on Thursday mornings - first week of the month (except January) in Warkworth, other weeks in Ōrewa, usually school term time. Sing Up Rodney is run by the Kahikatea Music Therapy & Community Arts Trust.
Visit its website and the Sing Up Rodney Facebook page
Contact: Alison Talmage | 027 464 2465 |

Story Club

Address: Various locations, Auckland
Established in 2017, the kaupapa of Story Club is connecting community through sharing and celebrating diverse cultures by providing access to art-making activities and creating community projects which raise awareness of minority groups’ cultures and life experiences.
All Story Club activities are free and projects are developed through a process of co-creation - participants are collaborators rather than clients.
Contact: Ann Poulsen |

Studio2 and Margaret Freeman Gallery

Address: 147 Hillside Rd, Dunedin

Studio2 is an art studio and gallery where people with a learning disability and the neurodiverse community can come together to make great art. We run 10 weekly sessions Monday to Friday 9-12pm and 1- 4pm. Our space is a vibrant addition to our community and the lives of the artists that attend. Central to the Studio2 kaupapa is assisting artists to show their work in public spaces, which is transforming the Ōtepoti environment, our understanding of art, who is an artist and how we read disabled lives. Studio2 Facebook Studio2 Instagram

Contact: Paul Milner | Programme Facilitator | 03 455 5222 |

Te Ara Korowai

Address: 1 Weka Rd, Raumati Beach, Kapiti Coast
Te Ara Korowai is a community-based creativity project for people who want to improve their mental wellbeing. It has a studio space where people can learn diverse skills to increase community connectedness and improve their wellbeing. It also offers peer support and advocacy, training and wellbeing workshops. Visit the website.
Contact: Sarah Yuile, Manager | 04 299 6981 |

Te Karanga Charitable Trust

Address: various locations around Auckland
Te Karanga Charitable Trust works in an educational capacity in the areas of youth mentoring to support and develop community-based projects. The trust has been facilitating youth development programmes since 2006. Working with youth at risk and young adults, it facilitates programmes in a range of mediums such as discussion groups, vocational education, one on one and group mentoring, public speaking, broadcasting, multimedia, music, arts, theatre and film. Visit Te Karanga Charitable Trust website
Contact: 021 067 4265 | 

Te Pu o Te Wheke Community Gallery and Arts Trust

Address: 81 Broadway, Kaikohe
This is an open gallery space run as a co-op of artists who make a small weekly contribution to hang works for sale. Te Pu o Te Wheke Arts is community focused, a place to share ideas and inspiration and support each other to make it happen. It's open Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 2pm. Visit Te Pu o Te Wheke website
Contact: Sasha Wilson, Gallery Manager | E: 

The Creative Souls Project

Address: 1 Paynes Lane, Onehunga, Auckland 1061
The Creative Souls Project uses music, art and performing arts to develop social, emotional and communication skills in children and young people. It is based in Avondale, Auckland, and works to make the arts accessible and affordable. Visit The Creative Souls Project Facebook

The Shed Creative Space

Address: 20 Tongariro St, Paraparaumu
The Shed Creative Space was set up in 2021 as it became apparent that creativity and the arts are a highly effective tool to address people's rising collective anxiety and a way to bring them together in communities. It offers a wide variety of tuition and materials where everyone is welcomed in a supportive environment. It is open 9am to 3pm every week day, and offers sessions in pottery, drama, visual art, music, dance and creative woodwork. Visit the website
Contact: Denis Wood, Manager | 04 297 2713 |

The White Room Creative Space

Address: 344 Manchester St, Christchurch
The White Room is an inclusive art space that brings disabled and non-disabled artists together as a creative community, united by a shared passion for art. It provides a space to learn new techniques in visual art and opportunities to share ideas through interaction with visiting artists and tutors. It is a space that fosters creativity, skill sharing, new ideas and ways of expression. Visit its Facebook page. and website 
Contact: Simon Gray, Arts Tutor | 03 382 0350 |

Toi Ako Te Kauwhata

Address: 1 Waerenga Rd, Te Kauwhata
Toi Ako is an arts-based creative space that brings the community together through creativity for social, artistic and wellbeing outcomes. Governed by the Te Kauwhata Community House, it offers an extension of the other health and social services provided by the Community House and places the arts firmly at the centre.It offers a range of classes, workshops and outreach programmes for people of all ages and abilities. 
Contact: Lauren Hughes, Manager | 021 2225682 | | Website |Toi Ako Te Kauwhata Facebook

Toi Ora Live Art Trust

Address: 6 Putiki Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021
Enhancing well-being through creativity offers a nurturing and inclusive space for individuals navigating mental distress. With a diverse array of over 20 complimentary classes spanning visual and performing arts, participants are invited to engage deeply in the creative journey, using artistic expression as a conduit for connection. Original artworks are showcased in our gallery, and available for purchase. Join our supportive community and embark on a journey towards improved well-being. Together, let's prioritise mental wellness through the power of creation. Visit the Toi Ora website.
Contact: Susanne Ritzenhoff, Director | 09 360 4171 |

Touch Compass

Office address: G5/43a Linwood Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025

Touch Compass is Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading professional arts organisation whose work is disability-led. They deliver high-quality performances and arts activations. To support a stronger resilient arts sector and disability-conscious society they offer youth (tamariki/rangatahi) and adults (pakeke) community classes, school programmes and workshops, and pathways to professional development for disabled artists and practitioners and non-disabled people wishing to engage in the performing arts through creative expression. Founded in 1997 by Catherine Chappell MNZM, Touch Compass continues the mission to serve and support access to the arts for disabled people. Visit Touch Compass website. Contact P +64 9 600 1357 E

Turning Point Trust

Address: The Historic Village, 17th Avenue, Tauranga
Turning Point is a mental health recovery centre offering a range of services to people with mental health and addiction issues. Central to these services is the artspace and gallery, Mind’s Eye. Tutors support people to express their creativity through a range of artistic media, including visual and 3D works, fabric, recycling, computers, and mosaics. People can participate for pleasure, to sell work or for therapeutic creation. Visit the Historic Village or the Turning Point website.
Contact: Terry Heath, Activities Coordinator | 07 578 6934 | 

Vincents Art Workshop

Address: Willis St Village, 5/148 Willis Street, Wellington
Vincents Art Workshop was set up in 1985 as an inclusive space where everyone is welcome to come and create. It provides access to arts and craft facilities, skilled tuition and materials within a supportive environment. Visit the Vincents website.
Contact: Andrew Mitchell, Coordinator Kaiwhakahaere  | 04 499 1030 | 

Voice Arts Trust

Address: 85 Totara Road, Miramar, Wellington

Voice Arts is a unique creative space that supports the cognitive, social and emotional wellbeing of people in their third age, including those living with dementia. We provide free access to drama-based creative programmes where participants find their voice, their story and develop the skills to share both. We are not a bricks and mortar creative space, we do not ask people to come to us. Instead our programmes are delivered to people within their own neighbourhoods, using existing community spaces that are familiar and accessible. Our programmes are led by theatre practitioners trained by Voice Arts in use of applied improvisation, devised theatre, and storytelling. 

 View the Voice Arts Trust website.
Contact: Nicola Pauling, Director | 04 973 0022 |

WAI: the Women's Art Initiative

Address: c/o Square Edge Arts Centre, 47 The Square, Palmerston North 4410
WAI is a facilitated group of women who have all experienced violence and abuse. Its members are artists, activists and advocates for social change. WAI offer a free, resourced drop-in artmaking space open each Monday between 10 am and 6pm. Tea, coffee and kai are provided. The WAI studio is a safe space where women create work in a wide range of media, including clay, print, paint, sculpture, inks, textiles and paper. Every year, WAI members set a kaupapa and work towards an exhibition. Visit its Facebook page
Contact: Karen Seccombe, WAI Facilitator | 027 342 2448 |

Wellington Inclusive Dance

Address: Te Whaea, 11 Hutchinson St, Newtown, Wellington

Our vision: A world where everyone can experience the joy and freedom of dance.
Established in 2010 Wellington Inclusive Dance (WIDance) runs inclusive youth and adult community dance classes, outreach programmes, and performance opportunities open to all abilities across the greater Wellington region. Committed to removing barriers to the arts, WIDance classes provide a supportive, fun and creative environment in which disabled and non-disabled participants develop skills in contemporary dance, improvisation, and composition.
"By celebrating diversity, we build stronger community."- Sumara Fraser Artistic Director

Visit their Facebook page and the website

Contact: Sumara Fraser: Artistic Director/Tutor | 021 050 1565 |


Address: 20 Alderman Drive, Henderson, Auckland | 9 Ward Lane, Hamilton CBD 3204 | 69 Devon Street West, New Plymouth 4310 | 132 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032 | 55 Cuba Street, Level 1 James Smith Building, Wellington CBD 

Zeal operates in West Auckland, Hamilton, New Plymouth, Kapiti and Wellington, offering creative and transformative spaces and programmes for rangatahi aged 11-18. Our strength-based approach focuses on providing a safe, supportive and encouraging environment for young people to fully participate and take positive risks, building their confidence and empowering them as they discover their creative potential. Zeal’s point of difference is the trained youth workers who journey with these rangatahi every step of the way, and the community of belonging and support we are able to weave the young people into. Instagram | Facebook | Visit the website.

Contact: 0800 346 393 |


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