Creative spaces directory: Bay of Plenty region

Creative spaces are community-based arts organisations and groups where people, often with limited access, can go to make art, participate in theatre, dance, music, film and creative writing. Below is a list of creative spaces in the Bay of Plenty, or visit the national creative spaces directory.
Please email us to update your entry, include your creative space in this directory, or make enquiries about the Creative Spaces Network.

Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre Bay of Plenty

Address: 15 Gravatt Road, Pāpāmoa Beach & 21 Pyne Street, Whakatāne
RMTC offers centre and community-based music therapy services in Auckland, the Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay and Northland.
Music therapy is the planned use of music to assist in the healing and growth of people with emotional, intellectual, physical or social challenges. Music therapy at Raukatauri is delivered by our Registered Music Therapists via a clinical practice rooted in the humanistic model of music therapy which recognizes each individual’s uniqueness and worth. Offered in individual, pair or group formats. Visit the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre website.
Rachel Farrell, General Manager | 09 3600889 |

Turning Point Trust

Address: The Historic Village, 17th Avenue, Tauranga
Turning Point is a mental health recovery centre offering a range of services to people with mental health and addiction issues. Central to these services is the artspace and gallery, Mind’s Eye. Tutors support people to express their creativity through a range of artistic media, including visual and 3D works, fabric, recycling, computers, and mosaics. People can participate for pleasure, to sell work or for therapeutic creation. Visit the Historic Village or the Turning Point website.
Contact: Terry Heath, Activities Coordinator | 07 578 6934 | 


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