Arts For All accessibility resources
This page links you to a range of resources, guidelines, policies and useful links to help your work in providing access to the arts.
Ngā toi mō te katoa: Arts For All guide
Ngā toi mō te katoa: Arts For All is a practical guide to accessibility published by Arts Access Aotearoa in 2010, with updates in 2014 and 2020. It provides tools and ideas about making your arts events, galleries, museums and venues more accessible. For more about Arts For All and to download a copy
Guidelines, checklists and information sheets
These guidelines, checklists and information sheets provide useful information and lists. Visit the Guidelines and information sheets page
Guides, toolkits and more
The following list of guides, publications, useful links, surveys, strategies and policies complement Ngā toi mō te katoa: Arts For All, published by Arts Access Aotearoa with support from Creative New Zealand and Wellington City Council. This guide provides practical and long-term ways to increase access to the arts, market your events to the disabled community and build new audiences. Visit the Guides, toolkits and more page
Q & A: Arts For All insights
The Q & A interviews on this page cover a range of topics, providing insights into making your venues, performing arts and literary events, galleries and museums more accessible. If there's a topic you would like to see covered on this page, contact Stace Robertson, Access, Inclusion and Participation Advisor, Arts Access Aotearoa (T: 04 802 4349 E: Visit the Q & A Arts For All insights page
International examples of access to the arts
This page provides links to research and articles about arts and community development, and accessible arts practice. Read more
This page lists a range of opportunities, including applications for funding, job vacancies, conferences, workshops, exhibition opportunities, promotional opportunities, competitions and artist residencies. Please email Iona if you would like your opportunity listed here. Read more
Stace Robertson: Stace is Lead Accessibility Advisor, Arts Access Aotearoa (T: 04802 4349 E: Stace works Monday to Thursday. More about Stace
Katie Querin: Katie is the Arts For All Activator, Arts Access Aotearoa (T: 04 802 4193 Extension: 709 E: More about Katie.