Making your arts events and experiences accessible
Being accessible means ensuring everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the full scope and experience of an arts event or activity. This page provides links to more information - from taking first steps and engaging with the disabled and Deaf communities through to audio described and sign interpreted performances to touch tours, digital media and working with disabled artists.
Much of the content comes from Ngā Toi mō te katoa: Arts For All, which you can download:
Arts For All (PDF)
Arts For All accessible (WORD)
Communications and promotion
This page looks at both traditional and online ways to communicate and market your arts events and activities to everyone, including disabled people. Providing a range of communication channels – the media, social media, brochures, websites, emails – is important so you reach all your audiences. Read more
Galleries and museums
This page looks at ways that galleries and museums can enhance their accessibility through the use of technology and also making connections with the disabled community. Read more
Live performance
This page has links for more information about providing audio description, touch tours, NZSL interpreted performances and live captioning. Read more
Digital media
This page is about digital media and the opportunities it offers to make the arts more accessible to people who have access to the internet and digital devices. There’s a section on e-publishing and ways that publishers can make e-books accessible so more people can read great literature. Read more
Disabled artists and writers
How do we ensure disabled people are involved as performers, visual artists and writers, as well as audiences? This page provides information and ideas, and links to the work of disabled artists. Read more