Uta Plate to lead Creativity in Corrections forums

The Goethe-Institut New Zealand and Arts Access Aotearoa are working together to organise a series of workshops and events featuring German theatre practitioner Uta Plate in February and March 2016. 

Uta PlateIn February, Uta will return to New Zealand to share her knowledge with New Zealand arts in Corrections practitioners and the wider community. She will visit Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland to present her work in three “Creativity in Corrections” forums, which will include a panel discussion, practical workshop and networking opportunities.

The dates for each forum are:

  • Wellington, 10 February
  • Christchurch, 29 February 
  • Auckland, 3 March (plus a practical workshop 4 March). 

Please contact Jacqui Moyes, Arts in Corrections Advisor, Arts Access Aotearoa by Monday 11 January 2016 for more information and to register your interest in attending forum events: Jacqui Moyes (T: 04 802 4349 E: jacqui.moyes@artsaccess.org.nz).  


The Goethe-Institut New Zealand in co-operation with Wellington City Council and Toi Whakaari New Zealand Drama Schooloffered Uta Plate a three-month residency to work in New Zealand from February to April 2015.

In April, Uta directed a “Move-Dance-Write” performance workshop in CareNZ’s Drug Treatment Unit at Arohata Women’s Prison, with support from two Toi Whakaari students, and facilitation by Jacqui Moyes. Feedback from the workshop participants was very positive and as a result, Uta was keen to return to New Zealand and continue working with community artists and prisoners.

Uta Plate lives in Germany where she studied cultural education. In 1996, she founded a theatre in prison project, in co-operation with the Ministry of Justice, in a juvenile prison in Thuringia. Since then, Uta has been working for 15 years at the Schaubühne Berlin, devising plays with young people from social housing. She has also worked on many international theatre projects and workshops involving performers from cultural backgrounds and ages in countries such as Chile, Sweden, Palestine and Russia.

For more information about Uta Plate

Partners and supporters

This project has been made possible with the support of the Goethe-Institut New Zealand.

Arts Access Aotearoa also received a grant from Wellington City Council for the Wellington event. The University of Auckland and its Critical Research Unit of Applied Theatre is providing the venue and other support for the Auckland event. SkillWise is providing the venue and catering for the Christchurch event.


Uta Plate to lead Creativity in Corrections forums


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