Useful resources

This page contains resources and publications. Please let us know about any resources you think others would enjoy reading on topics related to arts access.

Arts Access Aotearoa publications

Over the years, we’ve published a number of books about cultural community development, art spaces and programmes for people and communities with limited access to the arts. These include the following titles.

Arts For All: increasing access to the arts for disabled people

The arts are for everyone. Arts Access Aotearoa updated and published the second edition of Arts for All in April 2014. This guide provides practical and long-term ways for artists, arts organisations, venues, touring companies, festivals and venues to enhance their access, market their events to the disabled community and build new audiences.

Download a copy of Arts For All: 

 Arts For All (pdf)

 Arts For All accessible (Word)

An Issuu version


New Zealand

Valuable advocacy resources

Creative New Zealand has valuable advocacy resources and you can check them out on its website. These include:

  • a guide for arts advocates, called Changing the story on arts, culture and creativity in Aotearoa. It provides advice and ideas about building support for change. You can download in various formats and also watch a Q&A video
  • a practical list of things you can do to advocate for the value of the arts, including getting in touch with local councillors and mayors. Read more
  • data and insights about the value of arts and culture. This is an important resource, providing the evidence we need to convince politicians and funders.

Changing the story on arts, culture and creativity in Aotearoa

Changing the story on arts, culture and creativity in Aotearoa is designed to help creative spaces have a collective voice to build support for a future where artists and creativity thrive so all New Zealanders flourish, and is full of practical tips to help creative spaces do this. Read the guide

Disability Toolkit for Policy

For New Zealand to be a non-disabling society, we need policy and decision-makers to consider how their interventions can create a place where disabled people have an equal opportunity to achieve their goals and aspirations. The Office for Disability Issues has developed a tool to help policy-makers consider the implications of their policies for disabled people and help decision-makers consider issues through a disability lens. Visit the Office for Disability Issues website

Copyright Licensing New Zealand

When your art is reproduced, you could be eligible for payment. Copyright Licensing New Zealand offers a licensing management service and takes care of the entire process for artists and writers – from negotiating terms of use and costs through to paying the artist. A copyright licence provides comprehensive permission to organisations wanting to use art for promotional or commercial purposes, including brochures, catalogues, online or as part of a design. Check out its website

Universal design in Auckland

The Auckland Design Manual is a website aimed at Aucklanders who are designing and building various different types of spaces, from commercial buildings to homes to streets and parks. Its aim is to give tips on best design practice. Its section on Universal Design, which is relevant no matter where in the country you are, describes UD as “design for inclusivity and independence. A universal design approach recognises human diversity and designs for life scenarios, such as pregnancy, childhood, injury, disability and old age.” 

Creative New Zealand Community Arts Tool Kit

Community arts are created by, with and for a community. Creative New Zealand Community Arts Tool Kit: Keteparaha Mō Ngā Toi Hapori includes videos of New Zealanders sharing their experiences and what they've learned. There are also tip sheets, tools, and examples of successful projects and events to get you inspired. Visit Creative New Zealand's website 

Demonstrating the value of your work

Creative & INCredible Aotearoa aims to support artists and arts organisations to demonstrate the value of their work. Described as a basic 101 level resource, it helps you explore such things as gathering data and evidence; ways to tell stories about your work; and how to access support and links to further resources. It was created by Amber Walls and Rachael Trotman.

Creative & INCredible Aotearoa


UK: Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of musicians

This guide, published in the UK, has tips for musicians and those working with them about looking after their mental health. It includes information about the most common mental health conditions in musicians and the causes of these; ways of looking after mental health, such as mindfulness; and where to get additional support. Read the Guide to Supporting the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Musicians 

US: Cost of Accommodations Report

This new report from the Inevitable Foundation in the US explores the impact of disabled people’s lack of access to working in film and television, and the true 'cost' of workplace accommodations. The website also includes resources for disabled people to ask for the accommodations they need, as well as resources to, as the website says, "eliminate industry excuses for why more disabled talent is not discovered, hired, empowered and accommodated". 

US: Accessibility in the Arts: a promise and a practice

This guide is focused on the capacity of small-scale arts organisations to meet the needs of disabled communities. It details ways that disabled people are excluded from cultural spaces and offers possible solutions to those barriers. This 36-page guide to accessibility, published in the US, says that sometimes organisations list access information in the “About” or “Info” section of their websites instead of featuring it prominently on the homepage. “The only thing more inaccessible than an inaccessible space is not providing information about how the space is structured.” Read more 

UK: Access to Work

Arts Council England and Disability Arts Online have published a digital guide to Access to Work, an employment support programme in the UK. The guide, which is available in a variety of different formats, clarifies the Access to Work process and provides specific advice for the arts and cultural sector. There are three sections to the guide: one for self-employed workers, one for employees (or prospective employees) and one for employers. A growing number of resources complement the guide, including case studies and information on how Access to Work relates to Arts Council funding. Each section of the guide has a video version, which includes British Sign Language and optional captions. You can find the guide here, a blog about it here, and an article about it here.




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