Resources for creative spaces
This page aims to support and build the resilience and capability of creative spaces around the country by providing tools, insights, funding advice and opportunities, publications and other resources, and useful links. We welcome your queries, links, suggestions and ideas. Please contact Kate Hiatt, Creative Spaces Advisor, Arts Access Aotearoa (T: 04 802 4349 E:
Q & A: creative space insights
The Q & A insights on this page cover a range of topics aimed at building the capability of creative spaces. For example, measuring your impact, practising inclusion, supporting your art tutors. Read more
Practical tools to strengthen your capability
This page provides information for people working in creative spaces or wanting to set up a creative space in their community. Read more
Promoting your creative space
Promoting your creative space creates a sense of pride and achievement for artists; provides valuable information for your funders and supporters; and helps attract more people to your space. This page includes some ways you can spread the word and will be developed further. Read more
Useful support organisations
This directory contains information and contact details of organisations and groups that may provide support, advice or other services to creative spaces and other community arts organisations. Read more
Donations of materials to creative spaces
Creative spaces often have limited resources and welcome donations of materials such as paint, paper, wool and cardboard. In fact, the possibilities are endless: most creative spaces are expert at recycling most things. If you would like to make a donation, please contact a creative space on our Creative Spaces Directory or contact Arts Access Aotearoa (E: T: 04 802 4349) for more information.
This page lists a range of opportunities, including applications for funding, job vacancies, conferences, workshops, exhibition opportunities, promotional opportunities, competitions and artist residencies. Please email Iona if you would like your opportunity listed here. Read more
International examples of access to the arts
This page provides links to research and articles about arts and community development, and accessible arts practice. Read more